Friday, March 20, 2009

frozen Saint: part I

The birth mom's attorney called to say they have received our profile - this is a huge relief! WHEW!!! The woman who called me, I guess a secretary, told me to put St. Jude in my freezer for adoption! Not being Catholic, this puzzles me a bit, but I'll do anything.

I've looked up St. Jude, patron saint of lost causes! :O anyway, I'm working on getting a St. Jude statue for my freezer.

If anyone of my dear readers is Catholic, please feel free to enlighten me as to why the patron saint of lost causes would help with adoption, I'd appreciate it.

The birth mom is looking at profiles this weekend.

P.S. Last night Pope John Paul VI was in my dream. I usually do have some very crazy dreams, but a Pope has never made an appearance before.

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