Saturday, May 2, 2009

update on 3 siblings

Thursday our SW called to say that the foster mom who bit the 4-year-old girl is fighting to keep the 6-year=old boy. Seems she never wanted the little girl and so she has been neglected for the past 15 months or so.

Birth parent's parental rights were given up at the birth of the twins. Haven't learned why yet.

The last foster mom is single and was in a foster to adopt situation. Our SW says because of this she has very little legal rights, if any.

So, the case will have to go to court. The kids will remain in temporary foster care until the court case is settled. Our SW says the kid's SW may start to interview families in the mean time. But now there is no way of knowing how long it could all take.

I will try to keep you posted, but SW said we shouldn't expect to hear anything for the next week or so.

I've looked in to pre-school for the twins (did I already say that in my previous post??) and the 6-year-old can go to my parent's house after school until school is out in June. Then I would probably take some of my "maternity leave" spread it out.

Our SW has not said anything about us needing to take classes, just an interview/home visit from the kid's SW at some point.

There are other families being considered, but we don't know how many.

How on earth does one keep from getting involved (emotionally) in each opportunity that comes our way.

To be successful you must accept all challenges that come your way. You can't just accept the ones you like. —Johan Bruyneel (Lance Armstrong's trainer and friend, via Twitter today)

I will keep you posted. Thanks for the kind thoughts and support!


Stephanie said...

There is no way I could not become emotionally involved. I am trying not to become emotionally involved in your process :) (I am failing miserably of course).

Julie said...

thanks Stephanie :)