Thursday, May 14, 2009

sitting on the potty this morning

(It's where I do some of my best thinking.)

It dawned on me that I've let go of the hope of having a biological child. Don't despair dear reader, this is NOT a bad thing.

It's all good. I'm at peace.

I don't know when it happened, all I can tell you is that it's happened.


Anonymous said...

I'm still struggling with this. Actually, my husband is still struggling with this which makes me feel bad/guilty.

Julie said...


I thought I'd never move beyond this. You will reach it as will your husband, when it's time. I cannot say when. You will just wake up one day and be sitting on the potty and realize it. *hugs* sweetie and Mr. Sweetie

Our Little Blessings said...

Glad you are at peace. I had a dear friend ask me once if I really wanted to be pregnant or if I really wanted to be a mom. Thank goodness she asked me at that specific time because I said, I wanted to be a mom. Anytime sooner, I would have answered both!