Wednesday, May 6, 2009

while I wait

Ok, yes, much like infertility, adoption IS a roller coaster. So while I wait I've decided to try to accomplish a few things while I still have "me time."

  1. Joined WeightWatchers - lose weight so I can improve my health and be around longer for my kids.
  2. Start using ProActive - my dear friend Angie turned me on to this stuff (she gave me hers to try - what a great friend!). I have PCOS which causes me to be overweight and have acne, maybe I can get both under control before I'm a mom so I won't be an embarrassment to my kids.
  3. Recovering from Anxiety & Depression - I've been seeing a LCSW since last summer when I had my bout with "severe depression" and she turned me on to Lucinda Bassett and her stress and anxiety program. I am 10 weeks in to the 15-week program and I must say I'm feeling like a new woman. Less anxiety, pretty much no depression except for a few moments yesterday when the kids were returned to an abusive mother.
  4. Continue to help educate others about infertility and adoption.
If you can think of anything else I can do with my time (besides work full-time + and freelance and blog) please feel free to chime in! I'm open to suggestions

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering about proactive for awhile. Yes, hormones of infertility do not have a good effect on my complexion.