Wednesday, May 13, 2009

infertility journey vs. adoption journey

I hadn't realized how similar my adoption journey would be to my infertility journey.

With infertility we thought for years our problem was getting pregnant. We overcame that only to learn I'd have a problem staying pregnant. Three miscarriages.

We made the decision to adopt after my bout of severe depression due to feeling less than human because I cannot have children. I don't know anyone else like me (in real life). Everyone I know who's wanted children, had them.

We completed our home study in record time. I don't think either of us realized how agonizing waiting to be matched with a birthmom or child would be. Waiting, waiting and more waiting.

Both journeys are roller coasters. Life had prepared me for neither. I assumed from a very young age I'd get married and have babies, like anyone else. It didn't happen.

Where is my child.
Where is my heart.


Our Little Blessings said...

If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been waiting? Did you make certain requirements pertaining to sex, race or age? You don't need to answer if you don't want to. I just wanted to be more specific in my prayers for you.

You can answer on my blog if you would like.

Our Little Blessings said...

Ok, I just saw on the side of your blog how long it has been.

I had a friend that waited for at least two years. They only wanted a girl. They did receive a baby, but the BM changed her mind the next day. This also happened to my friend once again.

This time they didn't want to know about a baby till the baby was born and all the paper work signed. They finally received a call to go to the hospital and pick up their baby girl.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I so relate to your feelings.