Tuesday, May 5, 2009

infertility revisited

Ok, so my BFF Ang... (we met while both having IUI, her's was successful and she had a BEAUTIFUL 2 year old). Anyway, people have started asking when are they gonna have another??!!

Hello? This is giving us total infertility I flashbacks, you know, when everyone asks:
  1. why don't you get drunk?
  2. why don't you relax?
  3. why don't you go on vacation?
  4. why don't you "just" adopt?
  5. why are you trying to hard?...
I could go on...

Seems there is a phase two:
  1. when are you going to have another one?

Good grief people. Try to understand infertility and what Ang when through to have ONE child. It wasn't a party. She feels happy and blessed with one. Why don't some people get that?

Maybe it's just human nature and we are being too hard on people. I don't know, but I wanted to vent on Angie's behalf :) isn't that what best friends are for?

Love ya Ang!


Our Little Blessings said...

I completely agree. Even though we adopted, we were always asked if we were going to adopt again. I would usually start laughing and ask if they had an extra $20,000 or $30,000. If they did, then yes we would love to adopt again.

Stephanie said...

I feel for her. We still get comments and, even though I've told everyone that we are on a break and not looking at ART or adoption, I still get it! I have one friend who is constantly sending me adoption emails about things she has found. Oh, well, I guess that's part of the game.

Mom of Snooch said...

Yeah, I told Julie, I don't have money for more IUI, the diapers, the formula (I can't breastfeed), and the DAYCARE (x 2, or more if we had twins). I'm loving every moment with my 2 year old, but I eventually want to return to less and less responsibility. I was child free for over 15 years of my marriage (mostly not by choice), but we ENJOYED ourselves, and I do want that back after Snooch is grown. I don't care to drag this out any longer than necessary. I will be 56 years old when she finishes high school!