Friday, May 29, 2009

i hope someone understands

It's not about infertility or adoption, it's a book, just for reading. I haven't read a book in years. I've been doing research reading for the past nine years. I couldn't even tell you the last book I read that was not about infertility or adoption.

I am reading “My Sister’s Keeper” by Jodi Picoult, maybe you've heard of it or seen that it's being made into a movie, anyway...

I just read this:

For every person who gets,
there’s someone who must give.

That is kind of how I feel about adoption, our adoption. For us to have a child, someone must give one. And there is a certain sadness in that, for me.

I hope someone will understand.


Anonymous said...

Oh I haven't read this yet. My Mom gave it to me, but it got put on the backburner.

Bri said...

This is one of my top 5 favorite books! The movie is coming out this June.... make sure you read the book first!