Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jane, stop this crazy thing

  1. ttc (8.2000)
  2. clomid
  3. clomid
  4. clomid
  5. clomid
  6. clomid
  7. clomid
  8. clomid
  9. stop clomid
  10. miscarriage (2005)
  11. miscarriage (2005)
  12. PCOS (2005)
  13. Follistim and IUI - failed (2006)
  14. Follistim and IUI - failed (2006)
  15. Follistim
  16. Follistim
  17. Follistim
  18. Follistim
  19. stopped Follistim
  20. miscarriage (11.2006)
  21. low ovarian reserve (2007)
  22. severe depression (6.2008)
  23. give up all hope
  24. decide to adopt (8.2008)
  25. home study
  26. home visit
  27. home study approval (12.24.08)
  28. waiting
  29. waiting
  30. waiting
  31. birth mom reviews our profile
  32. waiting
  33. waiting
  34. waiting
  35. not chosen (4.2009)
  36. waiting
  37. waiting
  38. waiting
  39. considered for foster to adopting a sib group of THREE (4.29.09)
  40. judge ruled 3 sibs be returned to the abusive foster/adopt mom (5.5.09) ugh
  41. waiting

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